Cloud Performance Modeling with Benchmark Evaluation of Elastic Scaling Strategies


In this paper, we present generic cloud performance models for evaluating Iaas, PaaS, SaaS, and mashup or hybrid clouds. We test clouds with real-life benchmark programs and propose some new performance metrics. Our benchmark experiments are conducted mainly on IaaS cloud platforms over scale-out and scale-up workloads. Cloud benchmarking results are analyzed with the efficiency, elasticity, QoS, productivity, and scalability of cloud performance. Five cloud benchmarks were tested on Amazon IaaS EC2 cloud: namely YCSB, CloudSuite, HiBench, BenchClouds, and TPC-W. To satisfy production services, the choice of scale-up or scale-out solutions should be made primarily by the workload patterns and resources utilization rates required. Scaling-out machine instances have much lower overhead than those experienced in scale-up experiments. However, scaling up is found more cost-effective in sustaining heavier workload. The cloud productivity is greatly attributed to system elasticity, efficiency, QoS and scalability. We find that auto-scaling is easy to implement but tends to over provision the resources. Lower resource utilization rate may result from auto-scaling, compared with using scale-out or scale-up strategies. We also demonstrate that the proposed cloud performance models are applicable to evaluate PaaS, SaaS and hybrid clouds as well.

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2016, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp.130-143