CLIP: A Disk I/O Focused Parallel Out-of-core Graph Processing System


Existing parallel out-of-core graph processing systems focus on improving disk I/O locality, which leads to restrictions on their programming models. Although improving the locality, these constraints also restrict the expressiveness and hence only sub-optimal algorithms are supported. These sub-optimal algorithms typically incur sequential, but much larger, amount of disk I/O. In this paper, we explore a fundamentally different tradeoff: less total amount of I/O rather than better locality. We show that out-of-core graph processing systems uniquely provide the opportunities to lift the restrictions of the programming model in a feasible manner. To demonstrate the ideas, we build Clip, which enables more efficient algorithms that require much less amount of total disk I/O. Our experiments show that the algorithms that can be only implemented in Clip are much faster than the original disk-locality-optimized algorithms. We also further extend our technique’s scope of application by providing a semi-external mode. Our analysis and evaluation demonstrate that semi-external is not only feasible for many cases, but also be able to deliver a significant speedup for important graph applications. Moreover, we further improve the performance of originally supported applications by designing more optimizations and evaluate our system on NVMe SSD.

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2019, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 45-62