RFP: When RPC is Faster than Server-Bypass with RDMA


Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) has been widely deployed in modern data centers. However, existing usages of RDMA lead to a dilemma between performance and redesign cost. They either directly replace socket-based send/receive primitives with the corresponding RDMA counterpart (server-reply), which only achieves moderate performance improvement; or push performance further by using one-sided RDMA operations to totally bypass the server (server-bypass), at the cost of redesigning the software.

In this paper, we introduce two interesting observations about RDMA. First, RDMA has asymmetric performance characteristics, which can be used to improve server-reply’s performance. Second, the performance of server-bypass is not as good as expected in many cases, because more rounds of RDMA may be needed if the server is totally bypassed. We therefore introduce a new RDMA paradigm called Remote Fetching Paradigm (RFP). Although RFP requires users to set several parameters to achieve the best performance, it supports the legacy RPC interfaces and hence avoids the need of redesigning application-specific data structures. Moreover, with proper parameters, it can achieve even higher IOPS than that of the previous paradigms.

We have designed and implemented an in-memory key-value store based on RFP to evaluate its effectiveness. Experimental results show that RFP improves performance by 1.6×~4× compared with both server-reply and server-bypass paradigms.

12th European Conference on Computer Systems